Born at 8:54am on February 23, 2010
7 lbs 2 oz, 20 1/4 inches long
We are finally a family of four! Amelia has been such blessing to us. I am loving getting to know our new little girl. We can't wait to see who she grows up to be. Olivia has been the best big sister. I was worried about being away from her, and how she would react to the new baby. Thanks to lots of extra attention from her grandparents, she did great! I am so proud of her! She is such a loving girl and was truly meant to have a sibling to grow up with.
The last four weeks have just flown by! I can't believe Mia is a month old already. I am just started to feel like a normal person again, and we are all getting used to a new routine.
So cute! Love the family pictures. I can't wait to meet her.
She is just precious!!
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