Tuesday, May 26, 2009

See ya at the Beach

We spent Memorial weekend with Grandma and Grandpa in Brownsville. We checked out a cool new park and Olivia got to try some new Mexican candy. We also got to take Olivia back to South Padre Island. I was interested in seeing her reaction to the beach this year. As I imagined, she was a little more cautious. She held onto our hands for dear life while we were in the water. She loved running on the sand and got to pick her first sea shells from the beach. We are all ready to go back to the island!

Hello Summer!

Summer is here to stay. We've tested out Olivia's new water table and got to spend some time at the zoo before it gets too warm. We went to the zoo with our friends Brooke and Aidan. Even though it took us forever to find a place to park (field trips everywhere!), it was worth the wait. Aidan and Olivia rode in style in her wagon for most of the day. It was impossible to get them in a picture together, though.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Toddler Time

Today was Olivia's last Toddler Time class. She moved up this spring from Wiggles and Giggles and we both really liked this class. The teacher was new and she provided the kids with a little more structure, so they weren't just running around everywhere the whole time(even though it looks like they are in my pictures).
Here are a few pictures of the last day of class. By the way, Olivia has started dancing a lot thanks to her Wiggles DVD. It's SO CUTE.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What a Weekend

I had the best Mother's Day a mom could ask for! Saturday I had some alone time at the nail salon while Olivia and Luis did a little shopping. We went to a birthday party Saturday afternoon. Sunday we went to church and then went to our favorite Mexican restaurant, Mamacita's. They had a mariachi band and they came over to our table and sang to Olivia and I. She loved watching them from far away, but got a little shy when they came to our table. During church Olivia kept tugging at her dress. I thought the netting underneath was bothering her. A while later she stood up and said "uh-oh" and when I looked her diaper was around her ankles! She started laughing and so did we. Later that afternoon we took Olivia to the splash park. We didn't stay too long because it looked like there was some sort of animal trapped in one of the sprinklers. All we could see was a big tail hanging from it. It kind of looked like a big lizard. I called the city to have someone take care of it and now that park is going to be closed for a week!

It's that time of year!

It's safe to say that summer has arrived in Houston. Olivia and I checked out the new splash park in town. She loved going to one last year, but I wasn't sure how she would react now. She needed a little time to get used to it, but she ended up having a ball. I'm sure it had something to do with her little buddy Aidan being there.

We also got ordered Olivia a playhouse for the backyard. It arrived last week and Olivia and her daddy could not wait to put it together. So far she is liking it a lot. She was out in her pajamas playing on it the day after Luis put it together.

20 months

Olivia turned 20 months on May 5th. With summer fast approaching her second birthday is going to be here before we know it. I took her for her 18 month check up a few weeks ago. We put it off a while since it was just a developmental check and I knew she was doing just fine. She is tipping the scales at 20 lb 10 oz and is 31 1/2 inches tall. Other that being a little peanut she is perfect. She is talking up a storm and can stay at least 25 words. Hi and Bye are still her favorites. I love it when she says "thank you" and "okay."
We signed her up for her summer parks and rec classes. She'll be taking tumbling and a swimming lesson (with Luis!).