Olivia turned 18 months on March 5th. It's hard to believe that in just a few more months I will be planning her second birthday. I just looked through her first birthday pictures and it is amazing to see how much she has changed. She definitely is a lot more little girl and a lot less baby. She's still on the petite size...not really fitting into most of her 18 month clothes yet. Her vocabulary has really started developing and I get a kick out of our little conversations. Her latest phrase is "see ya." Her temper has really started to show too, and we've had to start implementing time outs. Still, Olivia is the sweetest, funniest girl I know. It's hard to stay upset with her for very long.
We spent March 5th with our friends Aidan and Brooke at "Flippin Out." It's one of those indoor bounce places. Olivia a little while to get comfortable with the place, but she has a blast. Especially when she's jumping with Aidan.
The kids did not like this guy...too scary.
Olivia liked "playing" the video games more than jumping.

1 comment:
I never cease to be amazed at how quickly they grow.
Happy Half Birthday, Olivia!
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