We went to the park a few times. Olivia and Papa fed the ducks at one of the parks we like. They were much tamer this visit. I'm guessing they weren't as hungry.
We also went to the Children's Museum. Our normal hangout, The Tot Spot is being remodeled so they opened the museum an hour earlier for kids Olivia's age. She got to enjoy the rest of the museum without being trampled by the bigger kids.
Friday Luis took the day off and we all went to the Bayou Wildlife Park. It was SO COOL. We took a tour of the park on a little train and the animals came up to us to be fed. The camels by far were the friendliest. It took us about ten minutes to even get into the park because some of the animals stood in front of our car and would not move! We can't wait to go back!
Saturday we took Olivia to Chuck E Cheese for the first time. If we never go back again it will be ok with me. Talk about chaos! She seemed to be ok with the place until Chuck came to our table for a visit. She looked at him for about 20 seconds and then started to scream. After that she wouldn't even go on any of the rides because most of them had characters on them.
Now we're just trying to get back to normal around here. We're already missing Papa, and we can't wait for Grandma's visit in March!!

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