This Christmas it was our turn to stay in Texas, and I'm kind of glad we did. With all of the cold weather and snow up north, traveling would have been a pain. Luis's parents came up for a visit on Christmas Eve. We(I) cooked dinner and we attempted to go to Christmas Eve mass but we had a flat tire. We ended up going to the bilingual service Christmas day. That was interesting.
Olivia was not too happy about wearing her Christmas dress at first. She had a huge fit while I was dressing her, and when we were finished she tried to get Luis to put on her tennis shoes instead of her black dress shoes. What's happening to my girlie girl?
It was so nice to have Olivia wake up at home on Christmas morning. I don't know who was more excited Luis and I, or Olivia. At first she wasn't sure about the presents, but once she opened the first one she was all about it. The only problem was she didn't want to stop at the wrapping paper. She wanted the toys opened and out of the boxes ready for playing!
Grandma and Grandpa left on Friday and I could tell by Olivia's face how sad she was to see them go. Hopefully we'll make another trip down to Brownsville soon.
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