> Mia turned nine months yesterday. Time is surely flying, but sometimes when I look at her I think she is older. She is mastering everything so quickly. I guess that is the life of a second child. Mia is an expert crawler and now prefers to stand. She pulls up on EVERYTHING. Thankfully, she hasn't figured out how to walk around the furniture yet!! She is clapping and waving, and smacks her lips when you ask for a kiss. It is the cutest!! She has tried some table foods and has loved everything. She was not too crazy about some of the stage 3 baby food. Can you blame her? Mia and Olivia have also started taking their bathes together. What fun!Here are a a few pics of sweet Amelia.
We decided to surprise Olivia with tickets to see The Disney Princesses in Ice. She got all dolled up in a new Ariel dress up-outfit and had so much fun!! Her favorite was Apple Princess, AKA Snow White. Mia came with along too of course, and I think she really enjoyed herself too! She was really interested in the music and all of the colorful costumes. We can already tell she wants to be just like her big sis!
The girls had a very full month of Halloween this year. Two costume parties, the Zoo Boo, trick or treating at the church pumpkin patch, a school party, and trick or treating in our neighborhood. Whew! I'm just glad their costumes lasted through all these events! Olivia was super excited for trick or treating this year. My shy girl did so great! She even went to a few extra houses, after I took Mia in for the night. Mia and Olivia started fighting (here we go!) over Olivia's pumpkin bucket before we even left our driveway. Thankfully, we had an extra for Mia to hold onto in the wagon. I'm sure people thought we were trying to get extra candy! HA! Here's a few pics:
I started this blog as a way to keep in touch with family and friends that we don't get to see very often. I think it's a great way for us to capture memories of our young family, and it's a great way to share them with those that we love.