Loving their hotel stay!

Aunt Ana and Uncle Brad after dinner

Digging for dinosaur bones at the museum

Mia still happy after spending way too much time in her carseat.

Olivia's favorite animal.

Making bubbles. So cool!!

Olivia and her new friend Ian.

Mia was so tired, but such a trooper during our shopping trip.

Olivia at the Dallas Galleria Mall (Like most big shopping malls in Texas, they have a skating rink!)
A few weeks ago we took a trip up north to Dallas. We had such a nice time visiting Aunt Ana and Uncle Brad and our friends, The Pucketts. It was so nice to get away for a few days. Olivia loved swimming in the hotel pool. We were having so much fun that we stayed an extra day. We took Olivia to the Natural Science Museum. We also spent some time at the Dallas Galleria. The girls and I dragged Luis to the American Girl store. Good thing we have a few years to talk him into buying the dolls! We can't wait to go back for another visit!