Tuesday was Olivia's last day of Mothers Day Out aka school. I can hardly believe how fast the time has gone by. I was so sad to see the school year come to an end. She has enjoyed it so much and has had the best teachers. I wish they could stay with her until High School. I don't think Olivia really gets that she won't be going back for a while, so hopefully we'll get togethere with her classmates over the summer. On the last day of school Olivia gave me a little card with a picture of her and I at her orientation and then another picture of her on one of her last school days. I can't believe that when she goes back in the fall she'll be 3!!! Here are mommy's then and now pics:
We took Olivia and Mia to watch the Astros play a few weekends ago. Both girls were so good, but I don't think it was the baseball experience Luis was used to. It was so cute to see my little girly girl so interested in something that her dad loves. I see a lot more games in their future.
We went to a birthday party at Old MacDonald's Farm a few weeks ago. What a fun place! They had pony rides, a petting zoo, a train, playground equipment, and a huge sand box. It's no wonder Olivia fell asleep as soon as we left the party!
These last few weeks have gotten a lot busier for me and the girls. We've ventured out to the park a few times and went to a few playdates. Mia is definately getting out more than Olivia was at this age. We are trying to enjoy as much outside time as we can because we know that Texas heat is on its way.
I started this blog as a way to keep in touch with family and friends that we don't get to see very often. I think it's a great way for us to capture memories of our young family, and it's a great way to share them with those that we love.