I celebrated my 30th birthday on September 29th. It was much more exciting than I had expected because I found out we are having another baby GIRL!! It made my day all the more special. Olivia and I ended it by sharing a piece of chocolate cake.
We recently transitioned Olivia from her crib to her toddler bed. I DO NOT like it. This next baby can stay in her crib until she is five. Olivia always went to bed so peacefully, but after lots of skipping naps and tantrum in her crib at bedtime we decided to make the switch. Now she insists that we lay on the floor next to her bed until she falls asleep. This is not comfortable at all. The first two nights she woke up during the night and came running to our room. The first time she did this she fell and hit her mouth on our nightstand. This scared us all to death and she ended up sleeping with us that night. Now I think she has learned her lesson because she waits in our doorway until she sees we are awake. I hope I'm not jinxing myself, but she has been doing pretty good sleeping through the night now. I am the one that is constantly waking up thinking she is going to get up at any minute. I guess it's better that we get this over with now, though. Olivia has also decided to take down her wallpaper border while she was still in her crib. This should have been our first sign that she wanted out!