Friday, June 19, 2009

Tumble Bud

Last week we started Olivia's tumbling class. We were really lucky because it is in an actual gymnastics facility with all of the equipment and instructors. I was expecting a room with some mats in one of the parks and rec buildings. Here are a few pictures from our second week of class. Olivia is really liking it so far.

Concentrating on the balance beam.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Heat Wave

We have been trying to spend lots of time around water since it has been so unbearably hot lately. Olivia has not enjoyed going to the splash parks as much as she did last summer. The last few times we've gone, I've been the one that ends up getting soaked. Friday we met some friends for Gelato( I know, fancy) and we stayed to splash in the fountain in the middle of the outdoor mall. I think we've found our new hang out during this long hot summer. What do you think?