Saturday, September 27, 2008

Birthday pictures

The photographer we have been using (Portrait Inovations) to take Olivia's pictures is still closed due to storm damage. Here are a few birthday party pictures to tide you all over.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Home Sweet Home

So we've been home for about a week, and things finally seem to have gotten back to normal. We were blessed with very little damage, and only had to sleep one night without power. When we got home we found our fence down, and a fridge full of spoiled food. We know so many people with roof and water damage. And there are still some without power two weeks after the storm. The weather was nice when we got home so we didn't have to suffer in the heat. Olivia really enjoyed the looking out the open windows, and with the fence down I think she thinks we suddenly have a really big backyard.

Fun at Grandma & Grandpa's

Sunday, September 14, 2008

God Bless Texas

In case you were wondering, we evacuated to Brownsville on Thursday. We weren't able to board up our windows because as I was helping Luis board up our living room window, a huge piece of wood fell and I broke my middle finger on my right hand! So I spent the morning getting it xrayed instead of preparing to leave. We've spent the last few days watching the news and thinking the worst. Our friend Keith drove to the our house today and told us that our fence was down, and our power was out, but we didn't have any broken windows. This was great news! Olivia has been a trooper throughout this whole thing. She has had a bad cold all week, and she got her 1 year shots on Wednesday, so this was all bad timing for her. Please continue to pray that everything back home is ok, and please pray for all of those that are experiencing so much more devastation from this storm.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Friday, September 5, 2008

One Year Ago Today

One year ago today I went to work like every other day. I went to my last doctor appointment, expecting to finalize things for my boring little scheduled C-section.
I had a final ultrasound to make sure that Olivia was still breached, and to my surprise I found out my amniotic fluid was very low. I started to panic when my cool calm doctor told me I needed to deliver Olivia right away. Luis met me at the hospital, and in what seemed like 5 minutes later, Olivia entered the world!! At 6:04pm our lives changed forever. I could not imagine things any other way. In the beginning things were a bit shaky, but Olivia was patient with us and we settled into our routine. I am so blessed to be able to spend everyday with her, experiencing all of her milestones. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. This year has flown even faster than I expected, but I can't wait to start this new adventure of toddlerhood with Olivia. I know we both have lots more to learn. Happy Birthday Sweet Girl. We love you to the moon and back!!