One year ago today I went to work like every other day. I went to my last doctor appointment, expecting to finalize things for my boring little scheduled C-section.
I had a final ultrasound to make sure that Olivia was still breached, and to my surprise I found out my amniotic fluid was very low. I started to panic when my cool calm doctor told me I needed to deliver Olivia right away. Luis met me at the hospital, and in what seemed like 5 minutes later, Olivia entered the world!! At 6:04pm our lives changed forever. I could not imagine things any other way. In the beginning things were a bit shaky, but Olivia was patient with us and we settled into our routine. I am so blessed to be able to spend everyday with her, experiencing all of her milestones. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. This year has flown even faster than I expected, but I can't wait to start this new adventure of toddlerhood with Olivia. I know we both have lots more to learn. Happy Birthday Sweet Girl. We love you to the moon and back!!