Sunday we took Olivia to the Children's Museum in Houston, and I forgot to bring the camera. The museum has a "Tot Spot" for kids under 2. The first time I took her to the museum the only thing she could do was sit up and put everything into her mouth. This time she was crawling around everywhere and not putting so many toys in her mouth. This made me feel much better! At first she just looked around and watched what was going on, but after about ten minutes she crawling up to the other babies, and playing with everything. I think her favorite spot were these two miniature doors that you could open and close. They had a door bell and porch light, but she was much more interested in oping and closing the doors. She could do that all day at home. Which reminds me....After a lot of asking (nagging) Luis finally put the child locks on some of our kitchen cabinets. Olivia looked a little disappointed when she tried to open them, but she moved on to the next set of cabinets that we left open for her to play with.
In other news, we went shopping for things for Olivia's Birthday party! Can you believe it?? I posted a picture of the napkins. We bought the invitations, and plates to match.
Lately Olivia has not been eating well. At first I thought it was because she was sick a few weeks ago, or that she was just done eating baby food. Some days she will eat something really well, and then the next day she won't have it. I try to let her feed herself but between what's left on her tray and what ends up on the floor, I'm not sure how much she's actually eating. Right now I'm just trying to be patient with her.
The Pearland Town Center opened yesterday, and of course Olivia and I had to check out the new mall. I am so happy that we don't have to drive in crazy Houston traffic just to go to the mall anymore. It's an outdoor shopping center, so you have to walk outside to go in and out of the stores. It was really hot, and kind of hard to do with a stroller. Once the excitement dies down, and it gets a little cooler I'm sure we will be spending some time there.
I was reminded that I haven't posted any pictures in a while, so here you go!