Friday afternoon Olivia had her 9 month check up. She weighs 17lb 2oz (20th percentile) and is 27 inches tall. She's on the petite side, but has been consistantly growing. She had one shot and took it so well. She didn't cry at all!!! It was like she didn't even feel it.
Saturday we took her for her 9 month pictures. She looked oh so cute in her little lady bug dress!!! She sure knows how to work the camera!! Saturday afternoon Grandma and Grandpa came up from Brownsville for a short visit. It was perfect timing because Olivia really wanted to show off her new crawling skills. She's really started to move around the house and is getting into everything. Now it's time for some serious babyproofing. We took Grandma and Grandpa to Mamacita's for dinner and it was delicious as always.
Sunday we went to our church festival. Luis was hoping to win a new car, but instead we won two cakes. Just what I need. He's supposed to take at least one to work so we don't eat them both!! Sunday night my sweet husband stayed home to babysit so I could have a mom's night out. I went to see Sex and the City with a few friends from my mom's group. We had dinner and drinks (cosmos, of course) before the movie. I didn't get home until 1am!! I don't remember the last time that happened. I'm sure I won't be out that late again for a long time!